Don 12/18/2020

Shipping was fast. Assembly was a piece of cake, and this was my first build. You cannot beat the price, service and quality.

Mil 12/02/2020


AKJ 10/13/2020

Is there a specific lower required for this upper?


AR-15 platform. Standard AR15 lower. Thank you

Joshua Brown 09/09/2020

Ok so far I'm impressed.
I also ordered a charging handle to go with it and they did not forget.
It supposed to come with a quad rail but that sent it to me with a nice slim m-lok rail. How dare they give me a better looking rail lol.
Ok what I'm impressed about is the fact it had a consistent ejection. All the spent casings landed at my 4 O-clock in a 2foot pile. I'm happy thank you moriarti arms.
Ok so the only cons the rail is cheap u can tell in the picks anyway but it's a pistol and don't effect me. Also the muzzle brake it came with I didn't realize it was a can it's like a fake suppressed thing lol but cheaply made I dont think that's on them though.
All it is is a thread on cap that has a groove to tighten allen screws in to hold the can on its weird. If I want to keep it on add locktight and snug that threaded bushing down.

Richard 07/03/2020

Any reason why a 7.62x39 will not chamber correctly when closing bolt chamber. Works fine without ammo but when I place ammo in it won’t close all the way. Any way to fix that issue?


Dear Richard. Please contact customer support with your Order Details to correct the situation. Thank you