Moriarti Blog

Blog tags: .223 Wylde

A case in point for .223 Wylde

A case in point for .223 Wylde
So here we are, touching on the subject of .223 Wylde. A little definition to remind us all, a .223 Wylde chamber is used on .223 caliber rifle barrels to allow them to safely fire either .223 Remington or 5.56x45mm NATO ammunition.  Is there a compelling reason to switch to a Wylde chamber? There are some that will tell you that a .223 Wylde  and a 5.56 NATO chambered barrels will take both cartridges, 5.56 NATO and .223 Rem, and thereby, there is no difference. Well, in ter... Read more

.223 Wylde vs. 5.56 NATO – The Common Misconception

.223 Wylde vs. 5.56 NATO – The Common Misconception
Today’s topic of discussion is What Is The Difference between .223 Wylde and 5.56 NATO AR-15 Barrel.First and for most, let’s get the terminology straight. .223 Wylde IS NOT your regular .223 Remington! I know, both sound very much similar but these are completely different animals. So let’s go into details.5.56 NATO and .223 RemingtonThough they share identical case dimension, they are slightly different and thus, are not the same cartridge. .223 Remington is slightly smaller than you... Read more
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