Moriarti Blog

Blog tags: Bolt Carrier Group

The Battle of BCGs: AR-15 Bolt Carrier vs. M16 Cut - Which One Wins?

The Battle of BCGs: AR-15 Bolt Carrier vs. M16 Cut - Which One Wins?
When it comes to guns, it's important to pick the right BCG (Bolt Carrier Group) for your weapon. The two most popular choices are the AR-15 bolt carrier and the M16 cut. But which one is better? In this blog post, we will be exploring the differences between the two and helping you decide which one is best for you. We'll look at the pros and cons of each, their advantages and disadvantages, and which one is best suited for your needs. So if you're stuck deciding between an AR-15 bolt carrier and an M16 cut BCG, then this is the post for you! Read more

AR-15 - the new old controversy

AR-15 - the new old controversy
Current media coverage and controversy over AR-15 have made it a symbol of gun control debate in America. The gun’s notoriety stems primarily from its use in some of the deadliest mass shootings in United States history, including Parkland, Sandy Hook, and Las Vegas. Democrats suggest  that it is a military-grade "killing machine" that is too powerful for unrestricted civilian use and have made it a primary topic for their 2020 elections. However, millions of AR-15 owners arg... Read more

M16 BCG - the Bolt Carrier Group you need to complete your AR15 build

M16 BCG - the Bolt Carrier Group you need to complete your AR15 build
We here at Moriarti want only the best for our customers. And rifle is not a rifle without a proper Bolt Carrier Group. So let's discuss M16 BCG, its construction, and functionality.We can start with the bolt carrier - it is constructed of 8620 Steel and completed with a Nitrite finish. This is not a coating, but a treatment to the surface of the metal which extends life and wont flake off as it wears. It is a hard and slick surface for low friction and easy cleaning. Reliability ... Read more
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