once seemed to be the privilege of only the richest
Americans and the most advanced of the militaries, could now be accomplished in the
comfort of your own home. Building AR-15 rifle from scratch became a mainstream rather then a novelty. Defending your family and property is as easy
nowadays as baking cookies, provided, of course, that you have the right
ingredients. It is the second amendment 2A brought back to the 21st
century. Now anyone can exercise their constitutional right to bear arms,
independent from economic status.
With the new wave of
e-commerce came the easiness of building articles yourself. You can buy a budget AR-15 kit for as low as $350, not including the 80% lower receiver.
Along with the AR-15 starter kit,
you only need basic tools that can be found in every household: a pair of
scissors, a hammer, a ruler and a screwdriver. The assembly is supposed to take
no more than 30 minutes and can be made by just about anyone.
having followed the AR-15 assembly, and guides available virtually all over the internet, you need to make sure that the weapon is fully
functional, and you do so by inserting the rubber bullet and firing a shot at a
hard surface. Although this bullet is made of rubber to avoid damage to the
weapon in case of misplacement of a piece during assembly, care must be taken
to avoid pointing the barrel at someone. A shot from a rubber bullet from this
AR-15 is just as deadly as live ammo.
Laws vary
widely, state to state. We highly recommend that you verify the current
legislation in your home state. If in
doubt, please contact Moriarti Armaments to further discuss your possible AR-15 builds.