Personal Gunsmithing Shop - Set It Up For Fun

Personal Gunsmithing Shop - Set It Up For Fun
My dear friends. Why we build our own guns? Mostly, because our own Gunsmithing is extremely Fun and Satisfying. We like our guns custom build and be able to maintain or modify guns to improve the way they feel or enhance their performance. It is extremely satisfying. Receiving compliments and admirations is also the icing on the cake.

One thing that makes it more enjoyable is having a great workspace!
You don’t really need a lot of space to do Gunsmithing. A 6 to 8 foot long workbench is enough space to do pretty much anything you need. A heavy duty bench so that you can mount a vise to it and be able to pound on the bench without it vibrating a lot will do.

Remember about your back! Ideally the bench should be at least waist high so that you don’t have to bend over to do the work. It should be just deep enough so that you can reach across for tools. A board for tools should be on the wall that you can easily reach. Then carpet the top and front of the bench to protect the firearm’s finish and keeps it from sliding around when you are working on it.
Remember about your sight. Good lighting, mounted high enough so that you don’t hit it when you are moving around a long barrel shotgun. Some guys prefer a flexible light in addition that you can position where you need it.

You want to get a good parallel smooth vise blocks (we like to build our uppers on the actual lowers to guarantee the fitting but not necessary in the home conditions) and a few basic and relatively inexpensive hand tools. Plus a couple of power tools such as a bench grinder, a small belt sander and a handheld variable speed, flex-shaft, changeable chuck, grinder/drill. And here you go, you have your own Gunsmithing workshop.
We at Moriarti Armaments are always here to help you. Check out our Knowledge Center to help you with your builds. And if that does not work, you can always count on us to help you with your gun projects. I wish you all happy and fun gun building! United we stand.

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