Light primer strikes on your new AR-47? Maybe this will help!

Light primer strikes on your new AR-47? Maybe this will help!
The popularity of 7.62x39 round is ever increasing. In comparison to .308 platform, it's half the cost! However, there is one caveat - its a very finicky round and if one fails to follow directions, the gun won't work.

Why? People assume since it is based on AR-15 platform, all you have to do is just swap out the barrel and BCG on your AR-15 5.56 lower receiver, buy some cheap ammo and off you go shooting! NO, NO and NO! The gun will most likely jam, and the shorter the barrel length, the more issues you will have. Solutions? YES.

1. No steel casings under any circumstances. You got to remember, the original casing was created for the Russian AK, not for AR platform. While AK will chew any type of ammo, it wasn't developed for precision shooting whereas AR was. The throat of the steel casing does not really fit into AR-47 barrel extension plus steel on steel vibration, the effect? - it will jam. Brass is a self lubricating metal. You need a brass round for the gun to work.

2. Check your AR-15 lower! Again, this is not an AK but AR and you need to adjust the lower 5.56 set up to the 7.62x39 round. We find that Wolff extra heavy hammer spring usually fixes the issue. Inexpensive fix but does wonders! 

3. Adjust your AR-47 Bolt Carrier Group. Enhanced 7.62x39 firing pin together with extra heavy hammer will do wonders and have enough strength allowing the casing to go thru without jamming and/or strikes.

Well, this is it guys. Just offering some helpful tips for your new AR-47 rifle to work so you can enjoy your experience.
Happy shooting!

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