308 Winchester vs 243 Winchester: Which is the Better Cartridge for Hunting and Shooting Activities?

308 Winchester vs 243 Winchester: Which is the Better Cartridge for Hunting and Shooting Activities?
When it comes to hunting and shooting activities, selecting the right cartridge is crucial. Different cartridges offer unique benefits that cater to specific hunting and shooting requirements. In this article, we will explore the differences between the 308 Winchester and 243 Winchester cartridges and discuss the best uses for each one.


The 308 Winchester cartridge has been around for almost 70 years and has earned a reputation as a versatile and reliable cartridge for hunting and shooting activities. It was introduced in 1952 by Winchester as a commercial round, which is based on the military cartridge 7.62x51 NATO.

On the other hand, the .243 Win cartridge was introduced in 1955 by Winchester, and it gained popularity quickly due to its fast and flat trajectory. It was created by necking down the 308 Winchester case to a 6mm caliber, making it a small, lightweight, and easy-to-handle cartridge.

Technical Specifications

The 308 Winchester and 243 Winchester cartridges have distinct technical specifications that impact their performance. The 308 Win is a larger and more potent cartridge that fires heavier bullets at a slower velocity. It has a bullet diameter of .308 inches, and the bullet weight ranges from 150 to 180 grains. The cartridge generates a muzzle velocity of 2600 to 2800 feet per second, making it an ideal option for long-range shooting activities.

The 243 Winchester cartridge, on the other hand, fires lighter and smaller caliber bullets at a much faster velocity. It has a bullet diameter of .243 inches, and the bullet weight ranges from 55 to 105 grains. The cartridge generates a muzzle velocity of 2900 to 3200 feet per second, making it a perfect choice for short to medium-range shooting activities.

Best Uses

Both the 308 Winchester and 243 Winchester cartridges have their unique benefits and best uses. The 308 Winchester cartridge is known for its versatility and power, making it a top choice for hunting large game animals such as deer, elk, and bear. Its slower velocity and heavier bullets allow for excellent penetration and expansion, making it effective for shooting at extended ranges. It is also ideal for shooting in adverse conditions like rain, wind, and fog.

On the other hand, the 243 Winchester cartridge is excellent for shooting small to medium-sized game animals like coyotes, prairie dogs, and whitetail deer. Its high velocity and smaller bullets create less recoil, making it an ideal cartridge for youth or novice shooters. It also performs well at long ranges and is suitable for hunting varmint animals like groundhogs, rabbits, and squirrels.

Product Availability and Comparison from Moriarti Armaments

If you are in the market for 308 Win rifle or 243 Winchester or both, Moriarti Armaments offers a wide range of options to choose from. Check our Firearms section to find your next go to AR-10 rifle.

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