AR-15 22 LR Bravo Stainless Steel Conversion Kit with 10 Rd Magazine, CMMG AR-15 .22LR Conversion Kit
Model BRAVO Features:
· Stainless Steel Bolt Group
· 10 Round Magazine
· Piston System Compatible
All CMMG .22 LR magazines have a bolt hold open follower. For best performance use a round style hammer as notched hammers can cause function issues. 36 grain bullets have proven to be the best choice for function. Set up is less than 30 seconds. Ammo is 1/10 of the price of 5.56 ammo, i.e., at significant savings to you.
Tags: ar-15, 22lr, conversion kit, 10rd mag bravo, stainless, steel, with, magazine, parts ar-22